Saturday, September 27, 2008

Homemade medicine on how to get rid of acne

« ...Many factors go into figuring out what acne treatment will work the best. Such factors may include the person's skin type, certain skin types are more prone to acne, the type of acne legions, and the cause or causes of the acne. Age can have alot to do with acne, as well as lifestyle. All things should be carefully considered with the help of a dermatologist. After this, a type of acne treatment will be determined for the patient. It is important for acne to be treated by a dermatologist as early as possible because putting off treatment may cause the acne to get worse or scarring to occur....
...If you have been dealing with the condition of acne for quite some time now, then you surely must have heard of the natural methods to treat the condition. Treating acne the natural way is often recommended by a lot of dermatologists. This is because through natural methods, you can do away with the introduction of harsh chemicals on your skin. And this is something an acne sufferer should try to avoid as much as possible. Thus, it would be so much better to treat acne the natural way. There are actually a number of herbal treatments that you can try. And when you have been dealing with acne for months now, it would make much sense to want to know the best acne herbal treatments available....»
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«...There are a few things that you can do to prevent acne such as exfoliating your skin. That is simple enough. You can use a warm wash clothe to cleanse the skin and there is over the counter exfoliates that you can use. Remember always after you wash your face to first rinse in cool water and then dry by patting your face....»
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tags: natural remedy for acne and pimples, best way to fights pregnancy acne, best non-perscription acne treatment

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