Thursday, July 3, 2008

Natural acne scar removal and deep acne scar treatment bay area

Oil is indeed a contributor to the appearance of acne but it is from environmental sources not dietary. There are many day to day skin care tips that can help reduce acne blemishes but consistency is the key. One of the easiest and most over looked skin care practices by all ages is simply washing your face. A large number of individuals wash their faces in the morning while preparing for the day, however surprisingly few wash their faces before bed. Washing your face with a gentle acne treatment cleanser morning and night will help to eliminate the excess surface oils and dead skin cells. Always remember that scrubbing harder does not make you cleaner it just causes damage to the skin.
Another highly effective remedy is to boil raspberry, strawberry, or blackberry leaves and with water and making a pack of it, will give soothed itch free skin. This is highly effective against acne.
Sometimes the oils from different plants can be used to clean the skin and help to reduce acne. Such oils are lavendar, clove, tea tree, and rosewood oils. They should be diluted in lotions or creams to keep them from being to strong. Mint has also been found to be very good for skin. Apple cider vinegar is also helpful in reducing acne. It should be applied to the face with a cotton ball. Results can be expected within just a few days.
tags: day fast fruit and water body toxin relief for acne, eating carrots help with acne, very fast acne treatment

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