Thursday, July 3, 2008

What get rid of acne and black heads fast and what's the best thing to get rid of acne

Blackheads appear when a pore is partially blocked. Therefore only some of the oil, bacteria and dead skin cells drain to the surface of the skin. The black color is a reaction of the skin's pigment reacting to the oxygen in the air. Blackheads are known to be very stubborn and many get aggravated at trying to rid them of the skin. The best bet is to exfoliate the skin on a regular basis. This will help remove the dead skin cells from the top layer of skin which will further block the pores. If this does not help, extractions can be done - however it is best to have an esthetician or dermatologist perform the task. Many people are quick to use their fingers to extract - which can actually damage the skin - if performed the wrong way - the bacteria can be pushed deeper into the skin causing an infection. An esthetician should use an extractor - a special tool used to give even pressure around a pore.
Looking for a prevention method for acne will solve most of your health problems. Your skin will be blemish free and you would feel special and blessed. A blemish starts forming at least two to three weeks prior to appearing on the surface of the skin. Hence, you may not be able to notice any improvements for one month.
During a time of our life whenever we are changing in so many different ways, a terrible thing often happens. As a result of the hormonal changes in our body and the fact that we are turning into adults, our skin suffers. In fact, it is not unusual for an individual to have acne during this time in their life and to suffer with it for many years before it finally clears on its own. For some people, the acne never really clears unless they have an effective form of acne elimination that they are using. What are some of these methods?
tags: home remedy face scrubs for acne, types of acne treatment names, salicylic acid acne medication safe for pregnancy

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